Our Destiny is to Unite
Our Union is our Strength
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Select your Mission
Battle for Ivory
Help Veterans Save Rhino & Elephant
Target: Advance to Stop the elimination of Elephants and Rhinos to ensure the survival of the species.
Motivation: The dramatic decline of Elephants and Rhinos due to extreme poaching for a hungry asian market for ivory.
Frontline: VETPAW Us. Veterans
Not in America
Animal Recovery Mission
Target: Stop the unacceptable violent animal cruelty happening on America's Soil
Motivation: End the torture, pain and suffering inflicted to all animals in the United States.
Frontline: ARM Animal Recovery Mission
Save our Souls
Target: We need to mobilize to be a defending force to provide ethical protection to the unnoticed and uncared beautiful living creatures. CATS.
Come to aid our support center to distribute food and medicine.